Enlargement Session No. 1

Finished Print of 18% Grey Exposure - Bit blurry but looks, to my knowledge to be the correct level of contrast, borders are correct size and I'm quite proud of my centering of the print. 

Finished Enlarged Print - The Accused - My first successful enlargement! Not the first ever, that one can be found below. I really enjoyed this image, both of the comedic value and the almost dissociative nature of the slow shutter. Glad to have chosen this one to enlarge and I believe it to be quite a decent enlargement at that!

My numerous test strips for The Accused - Featuring the first with the different times on one sheet, and then slowly making my way up with 12, 8 and then settling on the exposure of 4 seconds. I enjoy how all the tester strips work together with the gradient of exposure. 

My then more limited test strips for the second enlargement - where 4 seconds happened to be too long- so I shortened it down to 3. 

My first attempt at enlargement- everything seemed to be going well, I know what time to expose, all my settings appeared to be correct- however I noticed while developing that it was a lot darker than the tester strip. Turns out, I forgot to turn on the filter, a mistake I also made with a few of the contact tester sheets- But it at least showed me that my placement appeared to be good. 

This was the other enlargement I did for the 18% Grey exposure. This is actually the fourth enlargement attempt, as I got my original final enlargement and decided I wanted to try again and see if I could make it any better. However- I forgot to turn on the filter again, and because it would appear that learning from my mistakes is not a uniform behaviour for me, I made the same exact mistake twice. But, it allowed me to appreciate the first enlargement of this negative, and hopefully after making this mistake now three times, I might just be able to learn.